How you can order used tire containers from Japan

Hello, it has become February since today, which is the coldest during Japanese winter and we are looking forward to the spring warm season.
We are also in the peak season for the used tire business.
I receive many contacts or inquiries from foreign buyers this season, however, I am sometimes asked how they can order the containers. Today, I will show in short how you order the containers from us for used tires.
First of all, please let me know which sizes do you demand from Japan. Because prices depend on the sizes you will purchase.
I will send the quotation or proforma invoice(if we have mutually accepted the prices) after I check the inventory. We will also state the payment terms on it. Finally, you will send it back with your sign if all statements on the proforma invoice are acceptable. Of course, we can negotiate again when you have anything that is not acceptable or any questions.
It is important mutually not to have any future issues or struggles/claims after loading. You can also see the detailed steps for orders on this website.
Please contact me through the contact page if you have any further questions.

vanning container

How we load truck tires

Full load